Thank you to 2014

The year of 2014 was quite frankly amazing. Not in solve world peace amazing. Amazing for being a year where chances were taken, dreams came true, fears were realized, firsts happened, some times I broke but more importantly miracles happened.

In January, I started out with a bunch of goals and Bridget went to her first ever movie. Frozen has become an obsession that we are more than okay with. I also struggled with Bridget’s diagnosis of Autism. I kind of broke. Like hard. I learned something important that month. That friendships are there when you need them most.

February made me thankful that I could give a shout out to my blogging friends. Something I never imagined back in 2012. These friendships have become just as important as my ‘real life’ ones. While I might have felt SMALL I made the conscious effort to end the private mommy-war we all face.

In March I wrote Dear Abby letter, no not the advice columnist! Thanking her for changing my life (in a good way). I also promised the next time I see a parent in a restaurant looking overwhelmed I would buy them a glass of wine instead of looking at them in judgement. I also realized I am not a hero or a martyr, that sometimes I am just done. As in D-O-N-E being a mom with special needs.

April I was beyond thankful for Bridget’s teachers and their encouragement to let her spend one more year (decade?) in pre-K. I put a call out for a real-life Dr. House (and was given a lifeline). To have a stranger reach out, to have Bridget’s team support her, there really isn’t much more to ask.

May I remembered when I was that mom in the elevator. I was so thankful for Bridget’s speech team that brought a happy tear to my eye. I was overwhelmed by the response of the My Challenge Series and the friends that have participated. I hope to have it back up in the New Year so stayed tuned and send me your challenge!

June brought us relief. I had finally conquered my field trip fear and it was worth it to see Bridget engaging with her friends. We traveled to Georgia on the hope that we would find an answer to Bridgetitis.

July I am thankful to see was a lot of fun. Really. I wrote a letter to myself, which was very therapeutic. Eli from Coach Daddy had an idea on how to make yourself feel better. Write a letter to yourself and do not open it for five years. I think I am going to print this letter out and remind myself of where I was in 2014.

August was the month of travel. I am beyond thankful for the friends who include us on their trips. Giving me the most relaxing vacations ever. I struggled with the prompt the most amazing thing my body has done…but am glad I decided to participate.

September found me getting dirty and finding myself in the Mud. I’m already signed up for next year, that is how empowering that race was for me. I’m thankful I could get out of my comfort zone (and safety nets) to find out how strong I can be.

October I took a leap of faith (in myself) and transitioned to this new blog home. What do you think of our new digs? Thankfully I brought my neighbors with me. October also brought me to my knees in joy when I captured Bridget count for the first time to five and beyond (and get most of the numbers in the right place).

November taught me that when a good book ruined my day, my friends would stand with me in keeping the pledge to obliterate the “R” word. November is probably my favorite month, as I am lucky to be thankful for the amount of birthdays that occur. Even if it breaks my bank account.

Learning that there was a name for what Bridget has didn’t hurt either.

December is a month of giving thanks. It is the season of giving, of gratitude and showing you care. I wish I could carry this feeling throughout my day (let alone my blog post).  Going to my class reunion, while terrifying, was so uplifting. Reconnecting with old friends, having that connection remade. There is so much to be thankful for this year.

A diagnosis, friendships, love, my girls. The list goes on. I hope as we start the New Year you take a moment to remember how wonderful 2014 really was.




16 thoughts on “Thank you to 2014

  1. lrconsiderer

    Boom! 😀

    YAY! I’m so glad you made it in, and WHAT A WHIRLWIND your year has been. There have been loads of really tough things, but I am HUGELY pleased for the high points. I just read about the diagnosis – WAHEY! What wonderful news 😀 A culprit. At last. And a bigger village (ALWAYS a winner).

    Thank you so much for sharing this with the TToT 🙂 I hope 2015 brings you many more UPs and fewer downs 🙂


  2. Pingback: Thank you to 2014 | The Ten Things of Thankful ...

  3. thelatchkeymom

    Sounds like you had an amazing year! So glad that I got to be a part of it. I look forward to reading About all the good things to come in 2015.


  4. christine

    As Clark mentioned in the comments on one of my posts last week, it is so cool to read through a post like this and be able to say, “I remember that!” It’s hard to believe I’ve been blogging as long as I have, and in that time have met such wonderful people. It’s been a huge year for you. I pray 2015 is full of more accomplishments and fun!


  5. Kristi

    Oh, what a relief November must have been! How wonderful it is that you have met more people who can help you along the parenting journey!


  6. Kristi Campbell - findingninee

    A wonderful wonderful wonderful year for sure. When you broke, you mended. Stronger. Better. So much love to you and yours sweet friend. Merry merry everything!


  7. dyannedillon

    Beautiful list, Kerri! First of all, yes, I love the new look. And as for the rest? You are proof that we have to be our child’s advocate. You’ve had quite a year with diagnoses. I hope they satisfy the insurance gods. And I think Bridgetitis is the perfect name for the genetic disorder.
    My cousin’s son was born with a genetic disorder called Aperts Syndrome. My cousin and his wife scoured the country looking for others with the disorder (pre-internet, not so easy). They would go visit kids who had actually reached adulthood with the disorder. It was a terrible time for them, but getting information, and especially seeing children and young adults living with the disorder, helped.


  8. Lisa @ The Meaning of Me

    Kerri, I’m definitely new here, but I can tell from your list that you have had a very full year. I’m looking forward to reading more from you. So glad to see that you have people around you and connected to you who can help you along your journey.
    Happy New Year to you!



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