
To say February, March and April have been incredible would be like saying …. okay there is not one analogy I could make here that even comes close to the feeling I have in this moment. This is probably close to the expression I am wearing on a full-time basis.


But….(because there is always a but) I am conflicted with feelings of jumping up and down with joy with simultaneous worry that I am bragging or being obnoxious. Add in feelings of oh not worthy, crap when is that other shoe not only going to drop but kick me in the head. I’m a bundle of emotions.

Right now joy and gratitude are winning. By a landslide.

Gratitude that my friends encouraged me to share my blog with the public. Thankful that through this blog I met others who encouraged me to submit pieces for Listen to Your Mother and BlogHer. Joy that my pieces were chosen (along side Wil FREAKING Wheaton, if you didn’t know).  Beyond overwhelmed that I will be in NYC for a weekend in July and have already arranged childcare so David can travel with me. We get to be adults in NYC for a weekend.

A sense of wonder and a feeling of holy crap this is happening in my life.

In the past month alone, I have read a piece out loud in front of people, been featured on the local radio station and bought not one but three dresses. THREE dresses as I have no sense of fashion and needed a second opinion on a dress. A dress I will wear on stage not once but twice within a matter of months.

Crap, I need a pedicure and a haircut. And shoes….thankfully I do have friends with fashion sense and will be utilizing their talents. They also reminded me to do something about the hair and toes.

I wonder how this became my life. Worrying about wardrobe of all things. Life with Bridget has been filled with blessings, sure there have been difficult times, but the blessings have always outweighed the dark moments. But this? Being on a stage with real writers ….being on the radio to promote Listen to Your Mother and this blog. I never imagined this three minutes (months?) of “fame” when I began writing just three years ago.

I know time is fleeting and this moment will fade. It will become a memory, one only important to me (as it should be). But right now, I admit to basking in this feeling. Not in the attention (though I’m not knocking it) but in the feeling of accomplishment. This moment where I feel that my words and actions matter and are important not just to me. Important in a small way to anyone who can connect with living with children.

Thank you, to all of you who read this blog and gave me this feeling of wonder. None of this would have happened without your support. And that support? Better than any award Wil FREAKING Wheaton may ever receive.

This is how I finished the sentence, I wonder…..

This week’s cohosts:
Kristi from
Me this week’s sentence thinker upper at
Kirstenjill Hudkins Robbins at

28 thoughts on “Um….wow

  1. Kristi Campbell - findingninee

    Sweet Thang my awesome friend – your words have ALWAYS MATTERED and it’s about damn time radio (EEEP!!!!! send me a link) and live audiences hear your amazing voice. You are important and real and utterly awesome and I’m honored to have you as a friend!! I’ll be in NYC too and you better take time to hang with me!!!



    I swear when I saw your name over at Blogher… I literally gasped in utter JOY and EXCITEMENT!!! Oh Kerri… I am just SO proud of you!!! THIS is YOUR moment!! Shine girl!!! SHINE!!!

    I’m absolutely thrilled that you and David get to go together to NYC!! Soak it all in, my friend. ALL OF IT!! You earned it. Your words, your heart, your story, your voice… deserve the recognition and praise!!! I’m literally squealing for you right now!


  3. Christine

    It is all very exciting! I love how giddy you seem to be. Enjoy every bit of it!
    And did I miss something? Why is the (un) back in the title?


    1. firebailey Post author

      NO you didn’t miss anything. People still call the blog Undiagnosed so I figured I was confusing everyone. I tried a strike through and couldn’t figure it out 🙂


  4. thelatchkeymom

    I am really, really happy for you! You deserve this Kerri, there’s no wonder in that. Enjoy your moment!!!! And I get your fear that you’re bragging, because I hate self promotion, too. But your friends don’t see it as bragging, just celebrations! Rock on momma.


  5. ruchira

    Kerri, You r another soul that I admire. I am happy for ya for the spotlight and an exclusive weekend to yourself with your hubby…yeah!!

    Have fun, and yes I agree eventually all this will become memories, but at least you were in the present and took advantage of it, and let go of any inhibitions…that’s what mattered inspite of the fairy tale memories you will create in NYC 🙂



  6. Kenya G. Johnson

    As I was reading, I was going to say this must give you a wonderful sense of accomplishment but then you wrote that. I am so happy for you! I feel wonderful for you and can’t wait to see the recap.


  7. Shell

    Confession – Since this weekend is the Austin LTYM show, and time is quickly running out so I won’t have time for a much needed pedi, I switched to closed toe shoes so no one would see that I skimped on that part! Congrats on all of your well deserved successes. So happy I found your corner of the interwebs!


    1. firebailey Post author

      HAHAHA! Glad I am not the only one who has a shoe issue. Congrats on LTYM Austin. The experience in Boston has been incredible. I hope you have a wonderful show this weekend!


  8. Dana

    Bask in the glory, Kerri – you deserve it! I am so thrilled for all the good things that are coming your way, and I can’t wait to hear all about them as they happen.


  9. Jill (@JillinIL)

    It has been quite a year for you! I always like reading your posts. I have four dresses for LTYM and BlogHer – ha! I think I need to go shopping again. Kidding. Maybe. I’m excited to meet you in person. Great post!


  10. Nicki

    It is wonderful to read this, to feel your joy and happiness! So happy for you, Kerri, and happy that you are basking. Congrats my friend, and enjoy every fabulous moment.


  11. Pingback: BlogHer 15 is next week! | (Un)Diagnosed and still okay

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