TBT–Kaylee is determined to Pay It Forward

Today’s Throw Back Post is about my friend Kaylee. A girl who is an incredible hero. Once again she is participating in the Polar Plunge to support Comfort Zone. The camp that allowed her a safe place to grieve and to grow. Please consider to once again donating to her cause. No child should lose a parent, but if they do then they need places like Comfort Camps. Her plunge is coming soon, Feb 28, 2015. Given the current arctic winter we are having, I am hoping she doesn’t have blizzard conditions!

I am in awe of children. Children who want to make a difference in other’s lives. Whether it is a huge movement like Malala or providing comfort for another child. I would like to introduce you to a beautiful seventh-grader named Kaylee.

In 2010 my Dad passed away very unexpectedly at the age of 37. He had complained of an ear ache that night before and went to the doctors that afternoon. Three hours after his doctor’s appointment my mom and I found him on the floor of our den. My mom started performing CPR.

It was just horrible.

Kaylee and her Dad

Kaylee and her Dad

Seven months later I attended a long weekend bereavement camp in Sandwich, called Comfort Zone. I was scared to death to go. But I went to make my mom happy! That was the best weekend of my life.

My friends and family were wonderful to me after my dad died. But this camp was unbelievable. Each kid there had lost a loved one. A mom, a dad, a brother or a sister. Everyone there just got IT!

They REALLY knew how I felt. Everyone would say to me “I know how you feel”. But none of my friends really know this! But every kid at Comfort Zone Camp DID know how I felt.

I have now attended five weekends at this Camp. Each one has been better than the last. I have participated in two Polar Plunges at Town Neck Beach to raise money for Comfort Zone Camp.  It costs $500 to send one child to camp.

The camp is FREE to campers! But it does cost a lot of money to send just one child. Comfort Zone Camps run on donations and fundraisers.

This camp has helped me grow so much in my grief. I wold not be where I am today without them.


I am in awe of Kaylee. That she has grown up to be a lovely young woman is due to her mom, her dad and her family of support. Thanks to Comfort Zone Camps, Kaylee has been able to “grow in her grief” and is determined to pay it forward for other children.

Kaylee today

Kaylee is running in the Comfort Zone Camps 5k this Saturday. Most children entering Junior High are concerned with lip gloss. Kaylee is concerned with making sure another child, like her, is surrounded by others who understand exactly what they are going through when losing a parent. Her goal was to raise $100 to help another child in their time of grief. I hope with your help she can raise enough money to fully support a child or more than one!

Comfort Zone Camps are designed to be “a fun & safe place for grieving children” where they can “be kids again”. The Camp is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization for children between the ages of 7-17, who have lost a parent or caregiver.  

You can donate to Kaylee’s page here and to learn more about Comfort Zone Camps please click here.

I was not asked or prompted by the Comfort Zone Camps to write this post. Abby & Kaylee went to preschool together. When her mom posted Kaylee’s fundraiser on Facebook I reached out and asked to share her story. No child should have to lose a parent. If they do, then I believe our village needs to support them as they  (in Kaylee’s words) grow in their grief .

(Originally posted on 15-OCT-2014 but her Plunge is in two weeks!)

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4 thoughts on “TBT–Kaylee is determined to Pay It Forward

  1. Kristi Campbell - findingninee

    What a wonderful camp and an amazing kid. Going to check out Kaylee’s page now. Thanks for sharing, Kerri.



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