Monthly Archives: August 2016

If only you could unhear

“What’s wrong with her”

“Why is she hitting her head”

“It’s not like she understands”

“I could never do what you do”

“Isn’t she too old to be carried”

“It takes a special mom to have a special child”

“She will grow out of it”

Benign phrases, really. On the face value, they are not hurtful. They do not cause pain. They could even be said out of kindness.

Here’s a hint: Don’t ever say them to a mom of a child who has special needs.

Even if you are family. Continue reading

Thank you….

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you THANK YOU. Thank you for calling me and giving me an hour where I laughed as we compared how our girls drive us crazy. I would tell you that somehow, someway, we would meet in person someday. Even if it means I drive across the country.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that the whole balance my life thing isn’t quite working out. Continue reading

Bridget dating?

Have you watched Born This Way yet? I swear it is the best show on television. If you watch one show this year, this is a must see. Born This Way is about a group of 20-something adults who have Down Syndrome. It doesn’t exploit them or their families, to my mind. It just shows how a typical family lives an unexpected life.

This show demonstrates to me, in a small way, some things I never thought of when it comes to Bridget. Continue reading

What they really need to learn

Bridget has a fantastic program at her school. While it is not as inclusive as I would like, I will not deny how far she has come this year. Her language? It has exploded to where the need to translate for her.  She can now jump. She can now escape the house. She can also steal a half-moon cookie and eat it for breakfast.

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