Category Archives: friendship

I had another post planned…

Today I was going to participate in the Finish The Sentence Prompt hosted by the fabulous Kristi of Finding Ninee and her friends Mardra  and Kenya. Instead I am sitting here with goosebumps, sick to my stomach.

We lost another person to Suicide, Anthony Bourdain. Continue reading

Reality Check

When Bridget first entered the integrated preschool, I never thought of friendships. I was worried that she could not keep up. After all, barely off her pediatric walker she had to be taken in her stroller from the classroom to recess. I was more worried about her getting knocked to the ground than I worried about her making friends.

Then she did. It happened naturally without any parental involvement or teacher encouragement.


Oh my gosh they were so little

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And the House was Open

Last week we went to an Open House at Bridget’s school. It was the first Open House that I’ve been to since the disastrous kindergarten play date. I didn’t want to go, but since first grade was so incredible I wanted to make sure Bridget’s second grade is as successful. We entered the school lobby, tried to explain to Bridget why she did not have her backpack and took a deep breath anticipating the sure-to-be-awful-night.

Except the House was Open and Inviting. Continue reading

The Turtle

I have to start this post with a bit of honesty. Those that know me understand that I am a suck it up buttercup type of person. While I do believe that you get what you give, that if you embrace this world and are kind the world will be kind in return. I do not believe in the other-world, spirits or destiny. I believe we make our own destiny by the actions we undertake. For example I believe that if I stay up all night playing Cribbage with my best brother-in-law I will have a headache the next morning. If I run an obstacle race with Lauren I will be bruised but my stomach will hurt from laughing.

I have, no word of a lie, been asked to leave a spirit shop when I brought Tia (who does believe) to a mystic (?). I was told by the woman that I was cold and not only blocking the spirits but killing their desire to interact. Apparently I was also spiritually blocking someone’s uterus. Anyway, I left (without police escort!) and have led a very happy life even if the spirits believe in me as much as I believe in them.

Then I met Beth from NJ.   Continue reading

I will always be thankful for Facebook

I have a mixed relationship with Facebook.

I hate the endless “a like means you hate cancer” (like who loves cancer?). I get frustrated at being reminded that there are such things as stupid questions (seriously people, use the search feature). I get alarmed by the bully-pulpit that develops in local politics (get involved but learn the facts before you post on a subject you have no knowledge about). And for the love of all things Holy, please do not put your personal crap on Facebook in a vague way and then ask people to respect your privacy.

Yet for all the reasons I might want to leave Facebook, I have one reason to be incredibly thankful. Continue reading

This is SPECIAL education

In September I was terrified of Bridget entering kindergarten and transitioning from the Spinnaker program to a new self-contained special education classroom. Even though I knew the special education teacher for years, leaving the sanctuary of Spinnaker was heart wrenching.

I knew I was over-reacting and worrying for nothing. However loud the brain is shouting, the heart beat of panic is louder. Six months later I am happy to report that not only are we surviving kindergarten, Bridget is thriving.  Continue reading

It was quite a year

I’m not quite ready to let go of 2015. We had a lot of excitement, a lot of laughs and so many moments where life just went right.

January–I was so happy to be one of thousands who used their blogs to spread compassion and empathy throughout the internet. Yvonne and Lizzi created a call to action. One where we would actively look for moments for all of us to agree that it takes a village to raise a child, and therefore a village to create a world where we put compassion over judgement. Continue reading

Why you need honest friends

The other night I had a too-real dream of Bridget dying; by drowning.  The dream so real, I woke with tears on my face as I hurried to her room to check on her.  Me, a person who when asked would claim she never has anxiety and thinks she is cool under any circumstance.  Here’s the dream: Continue reading

Oh so thankful

I did it! I successfully ran a half-marathon and didn’t need an ambulance at the finish line! The weather was beautiful, not a cloud in sight. The course was so picturesque and the company made the 2 and a half hours feel like time past too quickly. I could not have done it without my running partner, Lauren. She kept me on pace and laughing throughout the entire 13.1 miles.


Since I am thankful for the 13.1 miles (yes, I am counting the 0.1!) I am bending Lizzi’s 10 things of thankful rule and doing 13! Continue reading