Category Archives: what’s your challenge?

My Challenge: Allison


It is week two of your New Year’s Resolution which makes this week’s Challenge so well-timed. Allison of Go Dansker Mom is a former ballerina who is now navigating the world of two boys.  But I think that is like saying you were a former Marine, once a dancer always a dancer just like you are always a mom. Both experiences led Allison to today’s Challenge. Continue reading

My Challenge: ADHD


With the holiday craziness (that freaking ELF), we took a short break from the Challenge series. I am so happy that for our first Challenge of the New Year a friend from my real life is willing to share her challenge.

I’ve said it before, but I am always amazed when a friend in real life will share their challenge with the world.  Today I would like to introduce you to my friend who has really taught me a lot about finding my voice. As we live in a small town, she prefers to remain anonymous. Please welcome my Beautiful Friend whose extraordinary child presented her with an unexpected challenge.

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My Challenge: Kerri, yes me



Today’s Challenge is one of my own. I have to admit I love the Christmas season. Not the season that starts the day before Halloween, but the true Christmas season that begins at noon on Thanksgiving day when Santa appears in the Macy’s Day Parade until the evening of Christmas Day when we sit around with our families and just connect.

Then I had children. Continue reading

My Challenge: Kerith


Today I am so happy to introduce Kerith from Brielle and Me to the My Challenge Series. Kerith is the mom to two beautiful daughters, one with CMV (cytomegalovirus).  Kerith is sharing another challenge today, one we can all relate to in the pre-holiday season: our weight and the importance of making ourselves a priority.

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My Challenge: Anna


As the mom of two girls, both who seem to have inherited my grazing habits instilling healthy eating is difficult. It does not help that we are naturally petite and until 40 could eat Hershey Bars for breakfast without remorse. Because both David and I are very active we are raising active kids.

But it is not always easy. Especially on long homework nights and the general craziness that happens with two children having multiple activities. To help with that Challenge I am so proud that Anna from FitFunner is here today on the My Challenge series. Continue reading

My Challenge: Dana

I want to introduce you to one of the cool kids on the block, Dana from Kiss My List. Dana, a beautiful writer, an avid reader and mom to two pretty terrific kids. Oh and she is unafraid to take on DIY projects. Plus she is freaking gorgeous. This is why I was surprised when she sent me her Challenge.

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My Challenge: Robin

Today is pretty cool day for a Challenge. I have never met Robin, she isn’t a blogger and I wouldn’t know her if she hadn’t taken the time one day to reach out via e-mail and offer an avenue for me to explore with Boo. Beyond cool for me. When I asked her to write a Challenge for this series I had no idea what she would submit. Those of you with young children hold onto your Cheerios as Robin explains life after the kids grow up.

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My Challenge: Chris

Today’s challenge is from Christine Carter. Chris is the mom of two who began blogging not only to record her children’s lives but also to bring hope and encouragement to others. She writes on all topics but her foundation is in her faith. She makes you feel not alone in your whatever your challenge might be but gives you encouragement to handle it.

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My Challenge: Jenn

I am so very lucky that my friends have been willing to be open and honest with their challenges. I would like you to meet my friend Jenn (also known as Jenn Said). Jenn and I met in High School when my parents had the brilliant idea to move the family from the suburbs to the boondocks. Okay, not really boondocks but it was a culture shock for sure. Jenn and I graduated high school and drifted apart as our lives went on.

Then I met David and he “introduced” me to one of his best friends: Jenn. I am not sure who was more surprised. We fell into that old friendship like you pull on that pair of comfortable winter pajamas and never took them back off. 

Without further introduction, please meet my friend Jenn and her Challenge.
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