Category Archives: if we were having a glass of wine

When this week is better than last

When this week is better than last, it is time to share a glass of wine.

If we were sharing a glass of wine, I would tell you how awesome it is that we decided years ago to give to charity rather than one another on our birthdays. Your birthday present was to feed a child on the weekends. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and am thankful that you and I agree that giving is better than receiving. Continue reading

If we were sharing

If we were sharing a glass of wine, I would tell you this week has been better than last.

If we were sharing a glass of wine, I would thank you for “getting me” when Bridget was sick. Knowing there was one other person who heard she vomited and immediately got nervous because of her history made me feel less alone. (By the way, it was a common cold that of course got her reflux up–but no ER visit so we are counting it as a win) Continue reading

It’s wine time…

If we were having a glass of wine, I would thank you for meeting me for dinner. I cannot believe it has been more than 30 years since we last had a one-on-one. I cannot believe that we are old enough to have a “30 years ago” conversation. But I am so very happy that 30 years ago was a blink of the eye and a ripple of time. I promise it won’t be another 30 years before we are in one another’s life again.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that my freaking body hurts. My half-marathon is a month away and my body is telling me I am too old for this running thing. My bedroom smells like BenGay and let’s just admit that smelling like your dead grandmother is not a good thing. Continue reading

Thank you….

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you THANK YOU. Thank you for calling me and giving me an hour where I laughed as we compared how our girls drive us crazy. I would tell you that somehow, someway, we would meet in person someday. Even if it means I drive across the country.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that the whole balance my life thing isn’t quite working out. Continue reading

If we were having a glass of wine

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that I am writing this from one of my happy places. On my front porch, in my LL Bean rocker, a glass of wine by my side and the smell of my garden under my nose.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would also tell you that my neighbor is grilling and I wish he did take out. Continue reading

If we were having a glass of wine…

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that life has been incredible.  It’s been beyond busy, which has taken a toll on my writing and running. Yet it has been the happy kind of chaos.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that David and I had dinner alone the other night. We had a chance to reconnect (aka not talk about the girls). It has been too long since we have had that couple time. It was nice to remember why we married one another! Continue reading

If we were having a glass of wine…

It appears I took most of January off from this blog. It was a good thing. I was overwhelmed and way over-committed. If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you why…

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you when I took office on the School Committee last year I never imagined I would have no life the entire month of January.  I knew budget season was intense, as a spectator. I had no freaking idea what it meant when you were on the team. It meant 3-4 nights away from my family. When I was home I was poring over budget documents, trying to find ways to save money in a $30 million budget without cutting programs that make our system great.

I would also tell you that if you want to lose those 5 holiday pounds you put on during December, join the school committee. Since you are never home for dinner or snacks you will lose those pounds by mid-month and a few more before February. Continue reading

If we were having a glass of wine

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that Abby had the best time celebrating her Uncle’s birthday last weekend. There was a cup cake fight that I started but lost the war.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that running has made me a crazy person. I joined a challenge to be a Winter Warrior challenge. I have been running outside, every day, no matter the temperature or the weather. I am now that person I used to shake my head at.
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If we were having a glass of wine

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that Bridget had a fantastic birthday. Remember that birthday party I told you about? The one where no one knew her name. I spoke to the teacher and apparently it might have been because the children were only familiar with Bridget in class. She wondered if it was because they were someplace different. She told me when Bridget enters the class it is like Norm entering Cheers! I doubted her until this came home:

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