Category Archives: school

Graduation Day

This past weekend was Graduation weekend on the Cape. I love attending graduation and seeing children that I’ve known longer than they’ve been alive in their cap and gowns. I burst with pride alongside their parents and loved ones, knowing how hard they worked for this small piece of parchment.  I take pride in knowing my signature is on their their diploma. That I had a very small hand in helping them succeed.

Truly it is one of my most favorite days of the year. Continue reading

More than words

You know when you think something is working and by all appearances it is, then you let someone else test your “thing” and it malfunctions? You have to go back to the drawing board and you are frustrated because you were so sure that your “thing” was working perfectly.

That my friends is life with Bridget.   Continue reading

And the House was Open

Last week we went to an Open House at Bridget’s school. It was the first Open House that I’ve been to since the disastrous kindergarten play date. I didn’t want to go, but since first grade was so incredible I wanted to make sure Bridget’s second grade is as successful. We entered the school lobby, tried to explain to Bridget why she did not have her backpack and took a deep breath anticipating the sure-to-be-awful-night.

Except the House was Open and Inviting. Continue reading

We can handle the truth

Dear Teacher and/or Educational Support Personnel,

You do a wonderful job of caring for our children. You nurture them. You hold a parent’s expectations in check. You challenge the child and keep the parents honest. Yet sometimes in your quest to be empathetic to our families, your kindness becomes a falsehood. Especially for parents whose child has a special need. You try to understand how difficult our life can be. You want us to focus on the positives, the milestones that are achieved and the goals that are finally captured.

You also lie like a rug. Continue reading

It’s the last day of school…

It’s the last day of school. We have thanked the administrators and secretaries for the year-long efforts to keep the lights on, the programs running and balance the well-being of their staff, their parents and their students.

We have thanked our teachers and support personnel for giving our children the foundation of a fabulous education, the emotional support to get through 2nd period and how to maintain their balance on the beam.  They have received holiday presents, Valentines, and according to Bridget ate her cupcakes.

We have thanked the office staff and the nursing staff who healed the boo-boo and let our children call home when they needed. We have remembered them on teacher appreciation day, administrative professional day and on nurses week.

There are a few groups we often forget to show our appreciation.  Continue reading

Milestone, check.

When Bridget entered the public school system at age 3 we knew her experience would be different from her sisters. Her sister went to a private daycare and then private kindergarten. Bridget needed more. Her sister transitioned to the public school in first grade and eagerly ran onto the school bus. So quickly did she run onto the bus, that we do have a first day on the bus picture.

We knew that Bridget would never take the bus. Continue reading

Not my kid

My kid would never…
My kid is “everybody’s” friend…
My kid is never mean…
My kid was provoked.

Let’s be honest, there is always going to be kids that are mean, there will always be “cliques”. There will always be the kid that doesn’t fit in and will be picked on.

We always hope it won’t be ours. If it is mine, I want to know.  Continue reading

It’s not my fault

It’s not my fault. I swear that I am to blame for many things. I admit to the fact that my personality, viewpoints and beliefs have changed since becoming a parent.  I am definitely more vigilant. Until today I have never tiptoed over the line that separates the typical parents from those that hover.  Until today when I became a helicopter mom. Continue reading

Open House

Tonight is Open House at Bridget’s school. There have been other open houses, but like field trips I have always avoided them.  It never made sense, really, to go. After all Bridget spent most of her time in the special education classroom. I had such open communication that I did not feel the need to attend open house.  My feeling was that Bridget was the class pet. She came in for a few moments, like a puppy, gave hugs and went back to the special education room when “learning” was happening within the classroom.

It made somewhat sense, at the time. Bridget needed the directed lessons. Bridget cannot write her name, add or recite the alphabet. She is probably a distraction and as she is not learning in the traditional classroom the argument could be made that she be in the special education room. It worked, Bridget’s language exploded and she learned to read sight words.

Hard to argue with success. Continue reading

Teacher 1 Parent 0

I honestly believe that homework is teacher’s revenge for having to deal with children all day.  I thought the math homework was bad. Then a few years ago we had our first “project”.  Abby had to make a simple machine.  Or should I say, David had to make a simple machine that turned into an inclined plane. There were tears, there were arguments and at one point there might have been some vulgar language.

I do not believe that is the intent of the homework project.  It is definitely the result.  Continue reading