Holy crap I’m in a clique

I am probably one of the biggest anti-joiners out there. In school I was the girl most likely not to be a part of the “in” or “cool” crowd. That was okay with me. I had my circle of friends and we identified with every character in a John Hughes movie.

Somehow I have left that girl behind. I am now part of a clique. It’s a great clique. They support one another, encourage and critique. We share our deepest secrets, regrets and desires with one another. And the world.

You see, I am in a blogging clique. A few of them, actually. It is kind of like being back in high school. Where everyone who blogs is in the school, but then there are subgroups. There are groups like Lizzi’s Sister Wives (no, it’s not about polygamy) and Ten Things of Thankful. Kristi has two great groups: Finish that Sentence Friday and Our Land. There is the BlogHer contributors and the Listen to Your Mother group. You can find a group of niche writers and ones who write solely in fiction. Some write with pseudonyms others without anonymity.  There truly is a blogging group for everyone who wants to write.

Or read.

That is what is so cool about this clique. Everyone can be as involved (or not) as they wish to be. I would like to introduce you to some of the fantastic members of my clique:

Michelle has two beautiful children with Big Blueberry Eyes. I have learned so much from Michelle. How to parent my not-so-typical child but still expose her to typical children stuff. Like birthday parties and dancing and why it is so important for Bridget to be in an inclusive classroom.

Claire from Rants from Mommyland is a hysterical writer whom I met through the LTYM clique. She is a super stay at home mom and fantastic performer. Together with her friend,Lydia, they tell the truth (with humor) about this thing we call motherhood.

Coach Eli from Coach Daddy. He is the father of 3 soccer playing girls who know not only how to score on the field but ask the tough questions we all need answered on his “Go Ask Friday” posts.

Dana is the mom I hope to be to teenagers at Kiss My List. Seriously I am sending my oldest to live with her the minute high school starts. She has been there, done that and is now able to enjoy Europe. If I didn’t like her so much I would be jealous. Instead I am anxiously awaiting her recap.

Allie of Latchkey Mom is a woman not afraid to take a road trip to discover new places to visit with her children. In the car for over a week traveling with children. She is not only brave she makes me feel more adventurous with my own girls.

Christine has a Fly on Our Chicken Coop Wall. She is the only family member able to back out of an ice covered driveway, to stand firm with me on why my child doesn’t need a cell phone and more importantly has the ability of humor in the ER.

I adore Kelly who is more than Just Typikel. She probably gets it from her mother. When I read their adventures all I can hope is that when my mom is that when my mom is 92 she is this much fun.

Last, but certainly not least, is my good friend Emily. She has three dudes that made her an Oh Boy Mom who loves them through basketball, cancer, college searches and their first time driving in the city.

When it comes to cliques, I’m pretty happy I found this blogging one. I cannot wait to meet some of them, in real life person at BlogHer this July. Until then, take some time to get to know them. You will not be disappointed.

That’s how I finished the sentence: When it comes to cliques….brought to you by Kristi of Finding Ninee

24 thoughts on “Holy crap I’m in a clique

    1. firebailey Post author

      So I thought it was implied that you were in my clique, but just to be clear: I love that you are in it and that I can enjoy being the troll across the pond that sends virtual snowballs. And I had to be clear about the polygamy because well, I was confused at first and thought you were joining a new lifestyle which seemed completely divergent to who I had known you to be. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lrconsiderer

        *snorks* No. I wasn’t joining a polygamous lifestyle (nor do I think I would ever…probably (NO! I wouldn’t)) but I am super-close to many of the SWs and I wouldn’t be without them.

        YAY! I do rather love being in your clique, and you’re definitely my favourite troll. I didn’t think you liked me at first, but I think it’s (mostly?) in jest now 🙂


  1. Dana

    You were one of my very first blogging friends, Kerri, and I am honored to be a part of your clique. I’m so thankful blogging brought you into my life; thank you for the kind words and know that I feel the same way about you!


  2. thelatchkeymom

    Greeting from Canada! I am so excited and honored to be included in you clique. Kerri – I LOVE the way you approached this week’s prompt. Brilliant! I do love our clique, so much. And I want to know more about the fiction. And as I begin week three of our road trip, I don’t know if I’m brave or crazy.


    1. firebailey Post author

      You are brave. We are just back from a long weekend in Chincoteague to see the wild horses. If you haven’t done that yet, I highly recommend it. Just bring bug spray. Lots of bug spray.


  3. Kristi Campbell - findingninee

    I’m so glad to be in your clique (even though you didn’t exactly say I am, I know I am because duh). What a great way to finish the sentence – blogging cliques! Also you didn’t link up yet just saying…
    I can’t WAIT to meet you IRL in July!!!


    1. firebailey Post author

      Dude, really? I thought it was implied that you were the head of the clique 🙂 Thanks for being my first blogging friend. July is going to be incredible. I cannot wait to meet you. Thanks for linking my post up for me!


  4. Anna Fitfunner

    You’ve picked some awesome folks to be in your clique! I’ve been reading, following, and interacting with a bunch of them for a while now. I totally get why you’re a fan — because I’m a fan of them too! Glad to hear that you’ve found an inclusive clique of such wonderful women!!


  5. Michelle Grewe

    There are so many blogger cliques, a few I managed to enrage in some way. It feels good to know I can touch people in their privates across the world through a computer screen without actually reaching. Anyway, I do love the Finish the Sentence Friday tribe. I say that meaning A.while I’ll accept anyone for who they are, I am very picky about embracing a group, and B. Not many people can handle me. It takes a high IQ to understand me, and a good soul to appreciate me. This group is full of intelligent people who are pure of heart. That’s just hard to find. I really stopped blogging in general, but I kept up with these prompts. It really saved my blog. The only reason I did was because I love the people who are in this group so much I didn’t want to leave it, not even to give up on myself. I’m so glad you are part of our “clique.”

    I did Blog U and had a blast. I hope you have fun at BlogHer. Check out this post by Kim if you haven’t already (I’m so glad I did). http://letmestartbysayingblog.com/2014/03/24/how-to-prepare-for-blog-conference/


    1. firebailey Post author

      Thanks, Michelle. You are right, it’s this “clique” that keeps us blogging. Because of the friendships that are formed and the support they give us. I have no idea how to do Pintrest, I barely manage Twitter 🙂


  6. Eli Pacheco

    It’s an honor to be the only boy in the bunch. It’s more of an honor to be associated with so many of these writers, especially you Kerri. You’re what’s right and good about this biz.


  7. Christine

    When I started blogging, I had no idea I would make friends. It has been the biggest, best surprise. I love getting to meet people I never would have had the chance otherwise. I am thrilled to be in your clique.


  8. flemily

    aww, I would have loved this post even if you didn’t mention me (but of course I’m psyched that you did 😃). I’m so happy to be a part of one of your cliques and vice versa. You’ve also made me realize there are a lot of great bloggers out there that I should try to get to know better…I’m going to start with those you’ve mentioned here…



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