
Welcome to Throwback Thursday blog style. This post was originally published on 26-APR-2013 but remains true to my heart. I needed a reminder recently, on how important it is to reach out. To let others know that you need them.

This post was part of a 5-minute series where you write unfiltered for five minutes.

Ready, set, go….

Friend. I have many friends. A couple of steadfast ones, a couple of drinking ones and a couple of good-time ones. I was with some drinking ones this afternoon as a matter of fact! (Quite unintentionally but still quite fun).

But I would be lost without my steadfast ones. The ones that are always there. The ones that I would lost without. You know the ones I mean. The ones that text, call, e-mail unexpectedly. The ones that if I call in two minutes they will all be there. Those are the friends that I try to be there for, but rarely are. They are there more for me than for them.

A true friend tells you when you are doing well, when you are doing wrong, when you need a shoulder and when you have food in your teeth. A friend is a friend through the hard times and the good.

I know they don’t expect more than what I can give. And that is what a friend is. One that accepts you for who you are and more importantly makes sure you don’t have food in your teeth.


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