1000 Speak, well more really

About a month ago two bloggers had this idea: to flood the internet with stories of compassion. To battle back the dark news, the horror of this world and show that there is still good to be had. The date was chosen, Feb 20th and the rallying cry was heard: Let’s get 1,000 bloggers to talk about compassion.

They didn’t get 1,000 bloggers though.

They managed to enlist 1,218 (as of 2/18) writers to implode the social networks with stories of compassion, of kindness, of empathy and of people doing good. The coolest part for me is that the 1000 PLUS voices coming together are from all over the Globe. It is already Feb 20th in some countries and will be on (our) Saturday as well. 1000 PLUS voices that have three days to flood the internet. How cool is that!

Why is compassion important?

Compassion is important because without it our child’s world is lost. Without compassion, Bridget would not have been accepted as a friend in her class. Without compassion, Abby would be a selfish brat. Without compassion I would be filled with despair. Without compassion, there would not be acceptance for those who are different. I know racism exists. I acknowledge that all are not thought of as equal. That is true of the World, but not my WORLD.

In my world they are. In my village every person counts. In my world, you are allowed to respectfully disagree. You can have a voice, you can have a mission. You just have to be kind. You have to be what friendship is supposed to be: compassionate, empathetic, kind, trusting and above all you must be imperfect.

Perfection has no place in compassion. Because if everything was perfect you wouldn’t need any of the above. So what is compassion to me?

Compassion is….

Compassion is love in action.

Compassion is a young girl paying it forward by doing a polar plunge. So children like her have a safe place to grieve a parent.

Compassion is friends doing your Christmas shopping when you are in the hospital with your little girl.

Compassion is cleaning snow off the car next to you in a parking lot.

Compassion is pledging to end words that hurt.

Compassion is being an active villager, one who is there when needed and more importantly lets others know when they need to help you.

Compassion is the look of understanding you give to the mother dealing with a tantrum.

Compassion is forgiving yourself for being human.

Compassion is being accepting of the imperfect, acknowledging evil exists and being determined to live in the light.

Compassion is cheap, it doesn’t have to cost you a dime.

I hope I remember my determination to live in the moment of compassion as often as possible. To know I will fail, I will falter but I will triumph. I will keep trying to lead my children by example. I will not always do well, but I hope to always do good.

Thank you to Lizzi & Yvonne  for creating a movement of compassion. Of taking a blog post idea and morphing it into something more than any of us imagined just a month ago. Friends imagine if these 1,218 people pay the compassion card forward to just one other person. Then it is paid forward again. It just takes two people to change the world. From you reading this post to the person you tell about it and beyond.

Be one of thousands every day. We can change the world one kind act at a time.


24 thoughts on “1000 Speak, well more really

  1. Christine

    Compassion most certainly is love in action. Exactly. Love for all people who are on this planet, put into good acts of good.


    1. firebailey Post author

      I think it is so important to remember, that you have to act. You might not be able to act on all the horror in the world, but you can in your own little universe.


  2. Kristi

    A kindergarten teacher I knew had one rule for her class: “Be nice.” She said that all other rules could be traced to that one. It sounds like Bridget has a compassionate school setting, too.


  3. Kenya G. Johnson

    There was a book I really wanted to re-read in preparation for the #1000Speak post I never got around to it. I still would like to do it. But it was a Christian fiction book that was divided into two parts. You can say the first part had a lot to do with the world becoming lost and compassionless. And then the second part was what if we took these same people and changed them into good people what their lives would be like and the lives they touch. Compassion can be so many things as you’ve listed and it begins with one person passing it on to another and another and another.


  4. tamaralikecamera

    Wow, 1,218! And I bet even more now because I’m so late.
    I was away but now I’m reading these wonderful posts, one by one.


  5. Anna (@AnnaFitfunner)

    I agree with what you’ve written about compassion. It is so important in our lives, and yet doesn’t have to cost us anything. In fact, I’d argue that leading a compassionate life brings its own reward because our compassion will be reflected back to us from those closest to us. Great post!


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