If we were having a glass of wine

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that Abby had the best time celebrating her Uncle’s birthday last weekend. There was a cup cake fight that I started but lost the war.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that running has made me a crazy person. I joined a challenge to be a Winter Warrior challenge. I have been running outside, every day, no matter the temperature or the weather. I am now that person I used to shake my head at.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that Bridget made art and was able to tell me about it.  I pulled a something out of her backpack and asked her what it was.  Me: Bridget did you make this? Bridget: Lynn made that. Me: Where did you make this? Bridget: Art.  I paint.   Holy crap, she remembered what she did in school and could tell me!! Well, she could tell me what her ESP did. But I am counting it as a win.


If we were having a glass of wine, I would ask you why husbands won’t tell you that you are out of milk, but will call you at work three times to resolve an issue with the TV remote.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you that I am sorry I hadn’t kept in touch like we said we would. I would tell you that I miss you and will do better to be there for you.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you how Born This Way has given me hope. Although Bridget doesn’t have Down syndrome, I relate so much to the parents in the series. Their hopes and fears and their honesty about this unexpected life.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you Bridget has been giving me a difficult time going to bed. My once champion girl, the one who would just go to bed on schedule has begun using the stall technique at bedtime. It appears she has hit another milestone and this one I would have been okay missing.

If we were having a glass of wine, I would tell you never (and I mean never) start a cupcake fight with a Navy boy. You will lose (and laugh hysterically)



If we were having a glass of wine, I would hope you would tell me how your day has been.



10 thoughts on “If we were having a glass of wine

  1. LM

    If I were having a coke and you a wine I would tell you I’m having a good day and admit I’ve been walking more than running but seems like too much effort to put on the running gear for 1 mile. And I don’t recognize myself either. Apparently that driver last night hated me too for being out in the rain snow at 845 last night. And I’d ask WHY WOULD YOU WASTE CUPCAKES LIKE THAT?!


  2. Christine

    How brave of you to join the winter running challenge. Yeah, we’ll stick with the adjective brave. It’s the nicest one I could come up with. 🙂
    So exciting to see Bridget hitting new milestones!
    I don’t know if my kids would join in a cupcake war. They’d want to eat them too much. Now, a meatloaf war…they’d be all over it. 🙂 way to be the fun mom!



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