Category Archives: kindness

Not my kid

My kid would never…
My kid is “everybody’s” friend…
My kid is never mean…
My kid was provoked.

Let’s be honest, there is always going to be kids that are mean, there will always be “cliques”. There will always be the kid that doesn’t fit in and will be picked on.

We always hope it won’t be ours. If it is mine, I want to know.  Continue reading

Name change

At the beginning of the summer we took Bridget to see a Specialist 20 hours away from our home in the hopes to find an answer to Bridgetitis. We had gone on a search for our own Dr. House. We allowed them to perform Exome sequencing, where Bridget’s DNA would be (in layman’s terms since I really am not a scientist) broken down and reviewed by computer strand by strand allows the scientist to discover where the gene may have gone awry.

We got the results. Finally. Continue reading

My Challenge: Jenn

I am so very lucky that my friends have been willing to be open and honest with their challenges. I would like you to meet my friend Jenn (also known as Jenn Said). Jenn and I met in High School when my parents had the brilliant idea to move the family from the suburbs to the boondocks. Okay, not really boondocks but it was a culture shock for sure. Jenn and I graduated high school and drifted apart as our lives went on.

Then I met David and he “introduced” me to one of his best friends: Jenn. I am not sure who was more surprised. We fell into that old friendship like you pull on that pair of comfortable winter pajamas and never took them back off. 

Without further introduction, please meet my friend Jenn and her Challenge.
Continue reading

I wish

Dear Abby,
Today you started fifth grade. I’m amazed by you. You still retain the little girl I love as you grow into a preteen. You are not perfect, but neither am I. Although I wish you were not such a picky eater I know that, like me, you will one day eat a meal without me saying JUST TRY IT.
In other ways you are too perfect. It is like you were created just for me. You make me laugh. Although you refuse to make your bed, you make Boo’s for her every morning. 
I am amazed by your kindness, your patience and your Abby-ness. 
You astounded me at Welcome Back Night at your school. When Boo was upset because you were going off with your friends, you came back. You took your sister by her hand and introduced her to everyone you saw. You navigated stairs (and I am sure stares) with your sister. You took her to the bathroom and assisted her. I do not know any other child your age that would help their sibling in the bathroom. Or include her with your friends. Help her drink out of a water bottle or hold a piece of pizza that she wants to eat but refuses to touch.
You made my heart swell ten sizes too big when I overheard you say, this is just what big sister’s do.

What amazes me is that I never have to ask. EVER. You just do what you do. I do not know what Boo did to get such a fantastic big sister. But I am very thankful.
As you grow you continue to amaze me. I love that you still want to hold my hand. That you still need me. Too soon I know the day will come when I will embarrass you with more than just my killer dance moves. I worry about that day. The day when you are no longer mine.
I want you to know how special and unique you are. How proud I am of you. When I see you interact with adults and your peers. You have kindness within your soul and you never hide it.
Thank you for all that you are. As you enter fifth (gasp!) grade I have five wishes for you:
1.   That you surround yourself with friends like you. Friends that are kind, forgiving and have empathy.
2.   That you do not fall into the tween trap of boys, music and makeup before you are ready.
3.   That you remember it is okay to march to your own beat.
4.   That you keep one foot in the magic and one foot in the discovery.
5.   That you hold my hand just a little longer.
