I admit to being competitive

I never realized how competitive I was until recently. I never seem to be happy with where I am. I always want more. Not necessarily more than others, but more of myself. I clean the house, I want it cleaner (I almost maimed Allie for using the bathroom after I had it company clean).

I began running and it wasn’t enough to do a mile. Oh no, I had to do a 5k. That goal was accomplished but not well, so I signed up for more and more. I signed up David, too but didn’t tell him.

Why? Because I wanted to win. It wasn’t enough that I didn’t come in last (my first goal) but I want to beat him. The man who doesn’t train but is in naturally great shape. My next goal was to run 5 miles by October.

Last weekend I finally did it. Five FREAKING holy crap miles and it didn’t hurt. When I finished did I feel a sense of accomplishment? Nope, I set myself up to do 7 miles by the end of November. Next thing you know I will talk myself into setting a goal for a half-marathon.

What the heck is wrong with me? I mean seriously who needs to run 7 miles unless they are being chased by a serial killer.

Setting goals is supposed to get you to accomplish something, not become an obsession. I would write more but I have to get running….

11 thoughts on “I admit to being competitive

  1. Considerer

    LOL oboy do I know this one. And I've a while before I catch you up, but I've made a start.

    Do you seriously run the ENTIRE 5 miles? Cos that would make my catching up pretty much a longer-term goal than I think…


  2. Running Mama

    OMGosh I heart this so bad. Do seven, it feels amazing. Do the half it'll put you over the moon. Until of course you decide (right after the race) you have to run a full marathon. That's what I did. Being competitive has served you well in life. Don't knock it. Instead, compete at relaxing the best when the goal is met.


  3. Becca

    I'm SO jealous!!! Congratulations! I tried, and was on my way to doing well, then my husband's work schedule changed and I was no longer able to use the teeny tiny little window of opportunity that I have at 5am anymore.



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