My Challenge: Chris

Today’s challenge is from Christine Carter. Chris is the mom of two who began blogging not only to record her children’s lives but also to bring hope and encouragement to others. She writes on all topics but her foundation is in her faith. She makes you feel not alone in your whatever your challenge might be but gives you encouragement to handle it.

My challenge is sending my daughter to Middle School.
My heart aches at the very thought that my baby girl is forging into the new world where she will learn things I don’t want her to know.  A place where hearts get broken, souls get stifled and minds get twisted.  I’ve seen it happen to countless kids…
Middles school is the beginning of it all.
I don’t want her to change.
I beg and plead for it not to happen as I anticipate the turns onto roads not traveled, filled with emotional turmoil and unsettled questioning of this place we live in and her place she breathes in.
What will become of her?
I cannot control, nor can I predict.
Will she hold on to her senses and grip tight her values?
Will she grapple with her beauty and falter in her faith?
Will she rebel against the very anchors that hold her safely and embark on dangerous waters of recklessness and carelessness?
Will she give in to the pressures that can suffocate the good right out of her?
It can happen.
It can all happen.
I’ve seen it happen.
Growing pains.
I don’t want any of it.
I’m scared.  Terrified really.
So I pray…every single day I let go.
“God, I give her to you.  Please protect her heart, lift her soul, guide her mind… today.”
Every morning.
I surrender my baby.
I must.
We must.
At every age really, yes?
But this age?
Is the hardest leap off the steepest cliff.
And although I don’t want to face any of it…
I don’t have a choice.
Motherhood is like that, isn’t it?
Facing fears, gripping hope, jumping off cliffs of uncertainty.
Here’s to another leap moms.
Whatever yours is…
Abby is not in middle school just yet, but I totally get this fear. That with every day our children become less ours and more the worlds. How as much as we want them in bubble wrap it is just impossible. 
Chris Carter is a SAHM of two pretty amazing kids.  She has been writing at for almost four years, where she hopes to encourage mothers everywhere through her humor, inspiration and faith. Trust me there is humor and a faith I wish I could have but admire her depth. 


What's your challenge is a series that was inspired by a program I created at Abby's school. I am amazed at how honest and hopeful the challenges have been. Thank you to all who have contributed. To submit your challenge, please e-mail me at
I am participating in the 31 for 21 blog Challenge to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. 

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