St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day, I have to admit, second only to Margarita day  is my favorite made-up adult holiday ever. I look forward to it every year. Honestly, after suffering through back to school shopping, finding a Halloween costume, play dates, kids birthday parties, surviving the freaking Elf and having to make Valentines that St. Patrick’s day is kind of my reward.

It’s the little things that make my life more enjoyable.

Yet the darn kids are trying to take this day away from me! I blame the public school system. Okay, maybe it is just that Abby made friends. Who talk. A lot. And compare. A lot. In first grade she asked why we didn’t have a leprechaun trap.


Apparently, when my mom clued me into who Santa and the Easter Bunny are and what they do she forgot to tell me that I came from a neglected home. A home that did not trap leprechauns. GASP!

We are Irish for Pete’s Sake! How did I not know that we were supposed to be trapping leprechaun’s all this time?  I want to know what mom was so bored that she decided to make life even more difficult that she created a new myth. One that includes me having to dye my milk green, put green footprints all over the freaking place and knock over a trap so my daughter will think a little green man has escaped. If this mom has so much time on her hands, I have a few chores of my own that I would allow her to take on. Because none of the above is happening. Well except the freaking trap because Abby will do that on her own (I thankfully am not to be trusted with construction).

When it comes to the trap there are all these rules. It has to be green. You have to have something gold to lure the leprechaun and it has to look real. Then the leprechaun comes in at night, plays pranks all over the house and if you are lucky gets trapped when he tries to steal your gold.

How is it that my child can learn this in school but not her everyday math?

When it comes to St. Patrick’s day I wish for just two simple things:

1. The children to leave my freaking drinking holidays alone
2. That people spell it St. Paddy not St. Patty. Patty is a woman. Patrick is a man. If you are going to take a religious holiday and make it into a drinking one at least spell the name right.

I’m warning you right now…don’t even think of messing with Margarita Day.

And that is how I finished the sentence, When it comes to St. Patrick’s Day hosted by:

Finding Ninee
Crumpets & Bullocks

19 thoughts on “St. Patrick’s Day

  1. Lisa @ The Meaning of Me

    I’m with you on the leprechaun thing. So far, that has not been mentioned here and I’d like it to stay that way. The Elf on My Nerves was quite enough, thank you. I’m all for the traditional stuff of Santa and Easter bunnies. But these little magical nuisances that come with the expectation of shenanigans? No thanks!
    Have a great weekend!


  2. Kenya G. Johnson

    I read Kristi’s post first this morning because it was the first in the link. I’ve read them all in order but it not until I got to your post that I’m getting an understanding that the Leprechaun trap is really a thing! Say what?? Wow that’s too much work compared to just leaving Santa cookies and having to eat them before you go to bed 😉 Well have a drink for me and enjoy your St. Paddy’s day. I hope it goes over well without setting the traps. LOL!



    You are CRACKING ME UP!!! I am SO with you on this… send those moms over to my house, when you’re done with them. GEESH.

    *Never did a trap* *No Leprechaun zone here* *Don’t mess with drinking holidays* *Lets start a campaign*


  4. Experienced Bad Mom (@ExperBadMom)

    Okay, so one year I thought it might be fun to beat the kids home, turn over some chairs, and die the water in the tub green. So I did that. And the kids–maybe 6 and 3–literally got scared and then mad that a little green guy had done that! So I’m off the hook, thankfully. I’m not sure they even remember. And I’m with you on the beer.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kristi Campbell - findingninee

    LOL!! So… we have to make a Leprechaun trap for Tucker’s homework project. I’d never ever heard of them before. So last night, when I was trying to write something for FTSF, I had my husband look up the traps online with Tucker. Now, the poor kid is like super super excited and I’m just dreading it. I hope that because my husband and son looked them up together, that hubs will be the leader on this project. I’m all for the beer though. Also, is margarita day a f’real thing? And how did I not know??


    1. firebailey Post author

      See, it’s the freaking teacher’s fault. Making it a homework assignment. What the hell is wrong with them? And yes, Kristi, Margarita day is a real thing. Feb 22nd. Mark you calendar


  6. kellylmckenzie

    Margarita Day?!? When is Margarita Day? Perhaps it’s shortened to Margie Day? I’m googling it right after I finish this. Am with you on that leprechaun trap nonsense. Excuse me. Not happening. I was so happy on the days I forgot to sport a little green. My eyes are green. Phewf! Always safe.


  7. A.J. Goode

    I had never heard of all of this Leprechaun-trapping business before I started reading some of the other posts here. Thank goodness my children never heard of it! Shhhhh — don’t anyone tell my youngest!

    And Margarita Day is real?! And . . .and I MISSED it?! I am so depressed . .. .


  8. tamaralikecamera

    ha! Margarita Day.
    They can’t take it away. It’s still more about green beer than having a fake leprechaun pee green in your toilet, right???


  9. Anna Fitfunner

    St. Paddy’s Day, not St. Patty’s Day. Noted. (I’ve been spelling it wrong for years now, but I can make a change!) And I’m with you 100% on the Leprechaun trap thing. Not gonna happen in my house. As with a lot of other FTST’ers, I didn’t even know that such a thing existed prior to reading these posts…



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