It was quite a year

I’m not quite ready to let go of 2015. We had a lot of excitement, a lot of laughs and so many moments where life just went right.

January–I was so happy to be one of thousands who used their blogs to spread compassion and empathy throughout the internet. Yvonne and Lizzi created a call to action. One where we would actively look for moments for all of us to agree that it takes a village to raise a child, and therefore a village to create a world where we put compassion over judgement.

February–was the first ever PACS1 awareness day. I am so very thankful for my fellow bloggers, my friends and family that made it a point to share about Bridget’s journey to a diagnosis. There are more parents out there wondering when their child will have a diagnosis. While what Bridget has is beyond rare, at least we have found our community.

March–Bridget had a huge milestone. She recognized that laughter meant funny. I know most will think it is foolish, this drive we have to recognize even the smallest accomplishments. Yet “what’s funny dad” will be added to her box of unique milestones.

April–oh April you were a very good month.  I became 3 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. I was completely beside myself with HOLY CRAP I was called a Voice of the Year! I never in a million years thought that something I would write would have such impact.

May–another Holy Crap month of joy. I was beyond honored to be on stage with eleven other women to share our stories. Listen to Your Mother is an experience I will hold with me for the rest of my life.

June–I won daughter of the Year when I took my mom to see the only man she would leave my dad for: Barry Manilow. It was so wonderful to see her joy and excitement when she partied like she was 19. We also had the best vacation ever (according to Abby) when we took her dream trip to Chincoteague.


July–Curse you Wil Wheaton! I still cannot believe he stood me up. ME! Doesn’t he know who I am? I’m a co-VOTY winner. You think he would show up for the ceremony. It didn’t matter, though. Because I was able to meet in real life my blog world friends. They were just as I imagined but better. Plus a weekend in NYC with my husband and no children? July was a very good month.


August–our annual camping trip and Bridget conquered another milestone: the beach! We had our last workshop at her old school before she transitioned to Kindergarten. Most importantly we took the time we needed to be a family and unplug as often as we could.

September–was a difficult month. Kindergarten did not start the way I hoped. Like every other obstacle, Bridget triumphed. It might have been a rocky start but we are more than surviving kindergarten: she is thriving.


October–I struggled with wanting Bridget to be normal. It was (and remains difficult) for me to not hold Bridget to a higher standard. I want her to break down any barrier in her way. Unbeknownst to me, she already was a part of her school community. Bridget made a friend. A true friend. One who stands up and says Bridget isn’t broken and includes her into everything they are doing at school. I also made some friends participate in Muderella. They are still speaking to me, so bonus!


November–is birthday month for just about everyone in the family. I am always amazed at how the girls have grown each year. Yet they retain their spark, their uniqueness and most of all the love they have for one another.

December–we left a light on for one another when we all joined together to make sure no one felt alone during the holiday season. For me, it was a wake-up call. That I am always leaning on others but not always there for them. I’m determined to keep that light on throughout 2016. I hope you join me.  We also had the Santa picture. (yes, heart still overflowing)

I hope your 2015 had more laughter than tears. I wish you the best possible New Year and cannot wait to find out what it has in store for us all.



4 thoughts on “It was quite a year

  1. christine

    Definitely a great year for your family! I was glad to see that I remembered almost every single thing you wrote about. (My memory ain’t so good these days. 🙂 )

    Happy New Year!



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